Your love is like this juicy orange
So luscious it fills my hand.
There’s hints of your secrets outside.
Neroli perfume scents the globe
  Containing true essence of love.
If one rushes in there is bitterness.
With patience I peel your layers
  Remove the stringy pith more bitter still.
Your gift appears perfect. Your scent grows strong.
My fingers probe your orb like shape
  There’s sections that now show.
My mouth is wet anticipating your taste.
Shall I dive right in and delight in the bite?
  Or take you by pieces to make the juice last?
Would two appear gluttonous? May I have more?
I settle for first bite, knowing love shall not fail me.
  Your juice runs down my hand.
Orange and sweet I remember, ever constant.
I slow and savor tastes.
  Every bite of your love holds your juice.
I’ll not stay away so long next time.
I’ll return before next dawn.